
drtk.msi(ray_o, ray_d, texture, sub_step_count=2, min_inv_r=1.0, max_inv_r=0.0, stop_thresh=1e-07)[source]#

Renders a Multi-Sphere Image which is similar to the one described in “NeRF++: Analyzing and Improving Neural Radiance Fields” The implementation performs bilinear sampling in the spatial dimensions of each layer and cubic between the layers.

  • ray_o (th.Tensor) – Ray origins [N x 3]

  • ray_d (th.Tensor) – Ray directions [N x 3]

  • texture (th.Tensor) – The MSI texture [L x 4 x H x W], where L - number of layers. The first 3 channels are the color channels, and the fourth one is the sigma (transmittance) channel (negative log of alpha).

  • sub_step_count (int, optional) – Rate of the subsampling of the layers. Default is 2.

  • min_inv_r (float, optional) – Inverse of the minimum sphere radius. Default is 1 for unit radius.

  • max_inv_r (float, optional) – Inverse of the maximum sphere radius. Default is 0 for infinite radius.

  • stop_thresh (bool, optional) – The threshold for early ray termination when the accumulated transmittance goes beyond the specified value.


Result of the sampled MSI. First three channels are the color channels, and the 4th one is sigma (transmittance). [N x 4]

Return type:

output (Tensor)