Source code for drtk.utils.indexing

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

import torch as th

[docs] def index(x: th.Tensor, idxs: th.Tensor, dim: int) -> th.Tensor: """Index a tensor along a given dimension using an index tensor, replacing the shape along the given dimension with the shape of the index tensor. Example: x: [8, 7306, 3] idxs: [11000, 3] y = index(x, idxs, dim=1) -> y: [8, 11000, 3, 3] with each y[b, i, j, k] = x[b, idxs[i, j], k] """ target_shape = [*x.shape] del target_shape[dim] target_shape[dim:dim] = [*idxs.shape] return x.index_select(dim, idxs.view(-1)).reshape(target_shape)